
The University of Alaska Fairbanks is focusing on a concept of revolutionary ideas are thriving and developing a new and improved academic culture. With undergraduates making up 89 percent of the total student body, the university is a hotbed of diversity and fresh thinking.  
Furthermore, the university's backyard is the vast environmental laboratory of Alaska, so it attracts exceptional individuals — academic superstars and adventure-seekers alike. With seven campuses across the state, it is home to more than 11,000 students from all over the world — each in pursuit of something extraordinary. The University of Alaska Fairbanks has an academic offer of 190 different degree and certificate programs available in more than 120 disciplines.Whether you're looking for a greater sense of purpose or a true sense of belonging, the UAF community lives authentically, believing that life is what you make of it, that knowledge is indeed power, and that a natural curiosity about the world around you will always be your best GPS.